Blogs are a very powerful tool in the field of education. Educational leaders can use blogs to reflect on their practice as they conduct action research. Blogs also allow educational leaders to form part of an extensive network of educational leaders that share the same interests. This allows leaders to comment on each other’s posts and provide feedback that contribute to the growth of the blogger as a leader (Dana, 2009, p.150). This fosters “collaboration Lastly, blogs can be used by leaders to go back to their previous blog entries and see how much they have changed and grown in their field. This provides motivation and helps guide them toward continuous improvement.
Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
I like how you mentioned the use of a blog to check one's growth. This is absolute in education! We should be constantly growing, changing, improving!